Tenderloin Youth Voice Directory

  • Services Provided: Web Design
  • Narrative:

    The Tenderloin Community Benefit District (TLCBD) in San Francisco works relentlessly to support residents in creating a safe and supportive neighborhood. The Tenderloin Youth Voice Directory is a robust and user-friendly listing of organizations that serve transitional-aged youth in the Tenderloin area.

    TLCBD came to us to help plan and implement a curated directory of local partners focusing on accessibility and mobile friendliness. Using their existing and fun branding most of our work focused on organizing the resources and presenting them in a way that provides users with all relevant information quickly. We created a map for each location, a list of the services they offer, and their hours and contact information.

    Creating a search function was another vital goal for the site. We worked to organize resources well in order for the search function to anticipate users needs and other possible searches.

    The folks at Tenderloin Community Benefit District are always working hard to improve their community. We love what they do and hope to take some inspiration from their hard work and bring some of the same resources and programs closer to home.